How to Keep your Jewelry Safe While Traveling
Now that the world is getting back to something resembling normal people are traveling again and probably taking their jewelry with them so how can we keep our jewelry safe when we travel? I am beyond excited about being able to travel again. Pre-pandemic my husband and I loved to travel and I’m eager to get out of New York for a change of scenery.

As I write this I have my first trip to Los Angeles planned to visit my family and close friends that I have not seen for 1.5 years, I know I’m going to cry and then hug everyone to pieces! I’m sure many of you have plans to travel soon so I want to talk about traveling with your jewelry and how to do this safely.
First I’ll tell you a story. . . before my husband and I were married and not yet engaged, we took a three week trip to Italy. I’d never been and his entire family is Italian so we planned to be in Rome for a gigantic family reunion with distant relatives he had never met. We chose a small boutique hotel near the Spanish Steps which is a nice area but also very tourist friendly.
The Trevi Fountain in Rome
While the hotel was nice enough I kept hearing people going in and out of rooms at off hours of the day. Not when housekeeping was working. In and out, in and out. Since the hotel was not busy my radar was on alert but I ignored it since I did not have anything of real value with me to worry about. Little did I know that my lovely guy was planning to propose to me and had a very expensive engagement ring tucked inside his work/travel bag. Well you know what happened of course. The bag was stolen, I never got to see my original engagement ring and needless to say the next few days were a real drag. Fortunately we recovered and he proposed to me, literally with a cigar band, on the island of Capri. Lesson learned!!
These are my top tips for traveling with jewelry and a few favorite travel jewelry cases that you can find online at the links I’ve included. The jewelry case that I have been using for many years is similar to those shown here. I bought it for a song at the now defunct Lohman’s discount store. Keep your eyes open ladies, you never know what you’re going to spot!
Top Tips to Keep Your Jewelry Safe!
- Never pack your jewelry in your checked luggage.
- Purchase a well designed travel jewelry case that will easily fit inside your tote, purse or carry on bag - See my list below. And don't let the bellhop take your carry on bag (with your jewelry in it) to the room. Also never leave it with the bellhop after you've already checked out and are waiting 1.5 hours before you can go to the airport. Carry it with you or leave it in the safe at the front desk. Just don't forget to grab it when you leave, send yourself a reminder on your phone.
- Leave your expensive jewelry at home unless you are certain you will be traveling in a safe area. Don’t wear too much flashy jewelry, you will be a target for crime. Tuck your diamond inside of your blouse and turn your diamond ring to the inside of your hand.
- Verify that there will be a safe in your hotel room.
- Most AirBnb’s will not have a safe for you to use so keep that in mind when you are packing jewelry.
- Bring extra earrings, they are easy to pack and can change up a look in seconds.
- Pack a couple of necklaces in different lengths to mix and match.
- One statement ring is enough.
- Never wear pearls to the beach or in the pool, in fact leave the pearls at home.
- Sand and Chlorine can damage your jewelry.
- Bring a soft polishing cloth with you to wipe your jewelry and to dry it after cleaning with gentle soap and warm water. Your jewelry is probably covered with sunscreen or body lotion.
- Hand sanitizer will not damage your precious metals and hard gemstones but it can dull any soft, porous gemstone such as opals or pearls - try to wash your hands with soap and water instead of using sanitizer.
- Consider taking your rings off before you go to the beach or the pool and lock them up in the room safe. They can slip off in the water which will make the mermaids very happy (also those guys with metal detectors).
- Photograph your jewelry before you leave on your trip and in your room just in case something does happen - this will make it easier to file a police report and to make an insurance claim when you return home (trust me I know). You may want to purchase travel insurance if you are bringing expensive pieces with you.
Have wonderful travels full of fun, family, friends and adventures!
xoxo Jane
A range of nifty travel jewelry cases
to protect your jewelry when you travel:
Caroline Quilted Jewelry Portfolio
Small Travel Jewelry Case by Mark and Graham
Mejuri Travel Case
Have safe and happy travels. xoxo Jane