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Synthetic Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

I’ve asked our friends from the Ultimate Jewelry Guide" to write a guest blog about the differences of Synthetic and Natural Diamonds.

There is so much discussion about this topic in my jewelry world right now! Personally I only use natural diamonds in my work but I can imagine that might change over time.

 Anyway, enjoy the blog and pick up some great new knowledge about diamonds.

 The word "diamond" is more than just a symbol of love. Diamonds are one of the most precious stones on earth. They are used in jewelry, industrial applications, and even to make drill bits! But how can you tell what type of diamond you have?

The two types look very different, but they both sparkle like crazy. Whether or not your diamond is natural or synthetic will depend on who made it!

Natural Diamonds

Single Natural Diamond

Natural diamonds are found in the earth and have been for millions of years. They are mined from all over the world, but most come from Africa. Diamonds form under high pressure and heat and can be found in different parts of the earth.

Natural diamonds are formed when carbon crystals form in rock formations deep underground, and over time they get pushed closer to the surface through volcanic eruptions. Diamonds can be found with other gemstones like sapphires or rubies because all three of these gems form from the same type of material!

Synthetic Diamonds

Synthetic Diamonds

Synthetic diamonds are artificially made in a laboratory and do not occur naturally. They are made from carbon, just like natural diamonds, but the process is different. Synthetic diamonds can be any color, including clear!

Synthetic diamonds are not as valuable as natural ones because they have no rarity, like with mined stones. They may be cheaper than naturally-grown diamonds, but that doesn't mean they are low quality.

Types Of Synthetic Diamonds

There are different synthetic diamonds, but the two main ones you will find in jewelry stores are Lab diamonds and Simulated diamonds.

Lab Diamonds

Lab diamonds are made in a laboratory from carbon. They are formed under pressure and heat to mimic the conditions that natural diamonds are made from. Lab diamonds can be clear, white, pink, blue, or yellow! They're not as rare as mined stones, but they look very similar to them.

Simulated Diamonds

Simulated diamonds are not real diamonds, but they look like them. They are usually made of other materials and are cheaper than lab diamonds. Simulated diamonds are made to mimic the appearance of real diamonds, but not everyone can tell the difference!

Types of Simulated Diamonds

Below are  the three most common types of simulated diamonds:

  • Cubic Zirconia
  • Moissanite
  • Glass Diamonds
  • White Sapphire
  • Spinel
  • Synthetic Garnet

Which Type Of Diamond Is Best?

Loup with natural and synthetic diamonds

So, which type of diamond is best? Well, that depends on what you're looking for! If you want a real diamond that has been mined from the earth, then go for a natural one. But if you don't mind having a synthetic diamond and you're looking to save some money, they are an option worth considering.

Other factors to consider when choosing a diamond include the price, durability, and impact on the environment.


Three beautiful diamonds

Natural diamonds are more expensive than synthetic diamonds because there is a limited supply. The cost of natural diamonds is high because they are mined from deep in the earth and can be expensive to extract and transport. The price of synthetic diamonds depends on the quality, but they are usually cheaper than natural diamonds.


Diamond Ring

Natural diamonds will last forever, but synthetic ones may not because they were made with different processes, so their durability varies. However, lab-made stones have come a long way since first being created! They've gotten better at making manufactured diamonds that are just as strong (if not stronger) than natural diamonds.

Environmental Impact

Environmental Impact of Synthetic Diamonds

Mined diamonds have a high environmental impact because of the way they're extracted from the earth. There is a lot of pollution and damage to the environment with diamond mining, so if this is something you're concerned about, synthetic diamonds are the better option.


Guide to diamond clarity

Natural diamonds are rare, which means there are fewer of them available. Also, natural stones will tend to have diamond inclusions (tiny imperfections) whereas synthetic diamonds are usually more pure and perfect due to the fact that they are made in a lab under controlled conditions.


Guide to diamond colors

Normal mined diamonds come in different shades like yellow, pink, blue, and white. But there are also black diamonds, which are very rare. Synthetic diamonds can be any color because they're made in a lab. However, lab-made are often colorless and appear white to capture light like a natural diamond.


Calipers for measuring diamonds

A carat is the unit of measurement for a diamond's weight. Natural diamonds tend to be bigger and heavier than synthetic diamonds. So, if you're looking for a big diamond, go for a natural one. But if you don't need such a large stone, then a synthetic diamond might be a better choice for you.

Where Can I Get Synthetic and Natural Diamonds?

You can find natural and synthetic diamonds at various places, depending on what you're looking for. If you want a real diamond mined from the earth, go to a jeweler who specializes in selling these types of gems.

If you're okay with having a simulated diamond, then there are many places where you can buy them, including on the internet. You can also get them at businesses that sell artificial or lab-made gems like a jeweler specializing in these types of stones and stores that carry different synthetic diamonds.

If you opt to purchase from online, be sure to research the company you're buying from. There are many scams out there, so it's important that you only buy from a reputable source.

Which Will You Choose?

So, what's the verdict? If you're looking for a real diamond and don't mind spending a little extra, go for a natural one. However, if you want something similar that is cheaper and doesn't have as big of an environmental impact, synthetic diamonds are a great choice.

You should also consider your budget. If you're on a tight budget, simulated diamonds are a great option because they're cheaper than natural or synthetic diamonds. The bottom line is that there's no wrong answer when it comes to choosing between natural and synthetic diamonds--it all depends on your personal preferences!


There are many factors to consider when choosing between a natural and synthetic diamond. It all depends on what you're looking for in a diamond! If you're looking for a real diamond, go for a natural one. On the other hand, if you want something cheaper and doesn't have as big of an environmental impact, synthetic diamonds are a great choice.

No matter what you choose, know that you can't go wrong! Both types of diamonds are beautiful and unique in their own way!